Monday 5 May 2008

Cheer girls

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  • Cultural changes reaching a pinnacle, there are newer innovations one after the other emerging to surface. Games. It is a renaissance, an upheaval or a radical change on the cultural front is a different matter but the message it leaves for the people of the country is lucidly clear -the message of a total overhaul of the civilization scenario. Games being a great tool of entertainment, exercise and publicity, they are the best chosen area of imposing any new sort of trend on any front. Cheer girls are now the latest addition to grandeur in cricket as if it was otherwise lacking necessary popularity. Cricket mania is a known phenomenon not only in this country but equally in all the places in the world but its managers felt there was an urgent need of accelerating its popularity for which they opted for cheer girls as a device to attract viewers. The result is as it was guessed. The viewers are all not the cricket lovers, they consist of the audience in bigger measure more interested in scantly dressed girls dancing, twisting their bodies and even kissing the players in the field. The show can't be branded as ugly, obscene or ridiculous as it is organised by powerful forums. The question that needs an answer is that if the way these cheer girls show themselves baring themselves to the point of nudity, what is left for the preachers of descency to teach. The media sought an opinion from the viewers themselves who were almost unanimously of the opinion that there is nothing wrong in it and that it should be given full freedom to go ahead further. What is the meaning. Is it not that we are heading towards a catastrophic scenario with the name Cultural heritage of India?

1 comment:

Dr Ash said...

An ugly scene growing daily in a big manner
