Friday, 29 February 2008
Facilitating commercial mortgages
Laws sans Rules
Rebuilding bad credits
Incurring debts just for the heck of it
Type of the people who are in the habit of doing things in a reckless order are the ones who cause problems to their family members than themselves. There are also the types who spend money on the items other than the ones for which the borrowing was there. Why they do so is difficult to comprehend and this way they spoil only themselves, nay much more their family. Borrowing money and then spending it lavishly on fun makings and drinking spree on a wine shop or even at home should not be the behaviour of the persons who have otherwise to look after the members in the family shouldering various household responsibilities creating an atmosphere of a comfortable life. Not just dues only, a careless handling of any issue or problem lands a man into difficulty. The composition of our society is such that wrong doings or mishandling a situation on the part of one individual equally engulf others in his circle and if does something in order, it fruitfully reflects others around him.
Compensations are not a favour but a right
Ignore them not !
How correct Milton was when he wrote '...they also serve who stand and wait' and characterastics of such a saying is not something confined to any time frame, it holds as good today as it was when so said. Down below the upper strata in society, the bigger number is that of the people suffering in many ways. Milton himself becoming blind in later years of his life depending solely on his wife for his writings -writing like 'Paradise lost' and 'Paradise regained' had a brooding realising that there could be many suffering from some handicap or the other crippling their functionality element and feeling helpless. When he wrote these lines in 'On his blindness', it was actually for himself and by penning them down he not only consoled himself but gave a message to all the people that in whatever form a man is placed he is capable of managing the work some way or the other. The only aspect that matters much is that one should have necessary will to remain alive to his tasks. Besides natural setbacks, there are the types of handicap which are in several cases man made only like rules are made to look helpful on the surface towards supporting the people but at the level of implementation they fail. A government frames the rules, say on compensation, but at implementation level they are a flop for the reasons that channels and agencies involved in the process are not honest and sincere enough and the result is that the consumers suffer miserably. The system very much needs to get remedied ofcourse possible only when the people concerned themselves generate necessary interest coupled with the required zeal to form a strong will for the purpose.
Thursday, 28 February 2008
On telemarketing service
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
Ecstasy as it flows from a recognition:
Recognition could be a ritual, it is exhilarating too irrespective of whether it is big or small. It is an individual feature full in its capacity to enlivingly relax a person. Surfing my email on date I had a message from PayPerPost recognizing me as an 'outstanding PPP postie'. Apparently not so much a big thing but big it was intrinsically. I have had several recognition in the past, some of them being grand ones and my thinking all along on this has been somewhat different -different not in any otherwise manner but from the view point that recognitions are not the matters tobe measured in terms of scale. Big or small, recognitions are to be valued by the receipent in terms of the very spirit behind them. Numbering in several hundreds, I was accorded felicitations, some of them in gold within my country and abroad. Everytime it was done it was most exceedingly a happy occasion for me. This again not because the felicitation document contained a rich vocabulary of words of praise for me but mainly because of the amount of love and affection the people had for me which was always manifest on their glowing faces. Rajiv Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of India used to call me a 'computer luminary' in my meetings with him. This too was something to touch my heart not because the Prime Minister of India was recognizing me as such but certainly because it was something much enough on a personal note. When National Award for Excellence on freelance journalism was given to me twice by the All India Freelance Journalists Association, Chennai, the media wanted my reaction. My reply to them was that a mere award on a glossy piece of paper was not that counted for me, what counted most was that it was a great token of realisation and love from those who awarded me. Be it an Award or be it a recognition, their value lies if they are there as true manifestation of reality and not like something politically managed as many a people do. Recognition by PayPerPost is equally received by me quite in a heart felt measure. Thanks to them although I think at times that the word 'thanks' is very often not enough to convey the gratitude in the same measure as it is realised and felt.
Claims for compensation
Rating alone is not a real merit
There are ratings for every thing and there are different testing rods to determine on different counts. Basis for this is worked out the way it suits the agency concerned. Merit also differs from one individual judge to another according to their whims and fancy. During my college day I was a candidate in an Inter University debating contest on the subject where I had to use a few words of criticism by way of a critical appreciation against the National Poet like Maithili Saran Gupta. One of the three judges of the team who was a D.Litt on the poet. He got annoyed and gave me only 5 marks out of 100 as against the other two who gave me 96 and 98. I did stand first in the competition but I never forget the instance thinking as to how there are people suffering from prejudices. If ratings are honestly based on merit, where is the question of judges applying their individual bent of mind. If performance has to be judged, it has to be done based on the way a contestant plays his role without acting as a sycophant to the people who sit on judgement. A girl candidate in her ICS exam (old form of IAS) had to appear before a team consisting of two judges -one being too fat and bulky and the other one was like a pitch dark horse complexion wise. One of the questions put to her by the interviewers was as to what type of a husband she would like to go when marrying. Prompt was the reply '..the one neither as fat as you are (addressing to fat man) nor as black as you are
(addressing to the other black complexioned man). When the result was announced, she was declared selected and found her name in the merit list. Look, if the judges had any individual prejudice on remarks individually against them she was not to be selected at all. Ratings are a common feature in the present day of tough competition in all fields and honesty demands that necessary recognition be extended to performance wise merit without forcing one's own whims and fancies.
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
Cosy comforts of a Bed
Brutal beasts
The way brutalities are perpetrated on innocent people by anti social elements is an alarming signal for days to come. Lust for sex is not a new phenomenon, it was very much there in the past and is rampant in an exhorbitant manner in an untolerable proportions. The maniacs indulging into these activities behave in a manner as if they do not belong to the society which they live in. They also don't realise that their victims who are callously raped belong to the families like the rapists have -their own sister, mother, daughter and others in their house hold. Why such graver propotions of the scenario on sex every day assuming a gigantic shape are not curbed ? Why even no proper notice of the incident is taken by the administration ? The media is one channel doing lot of work on this highlighting the agonies of rape victims but there again no cognizance is given to their coverage by those who hold the charge of curbing such heinous activities. Even the women forum on that count have failed to bring any results in eradicating this sort of menace. Minor children are raped, even old women are not spared and it looks like the mad dogs are from some other world in no way
concerned with the persons targetted by them for sex. Normally the victims are killed after rape is over and this is done to evade any trace of the occurrence for investigating agencies. If same thing happens to them or their family members how will they take it. Will it be possible for them to keep quiet ? Certainly not. In that case they shall behave as differently calling names for the whole world. Social level in its totality has gone down and that is one reason why all this is happening this way and worse is the attitude of the administration who can do much to arrest these ghastly incident but are not prepared to do anything at all for the obvious reasons that they have a complete alliance with the guilty..
Training matters for any discipline of career
Writing unique ?
Isn't it at times too cumbersome to work out a pattern that determines uniqueness of a writeup. Atleast I am the one who fails many a times on this count. Providers of website to bloggers never fail to emphasize that what a blogger writes must be good English, correctly spelt and gramatically fool proof. I at times come across instances where their own prescription on blog topics is just in contrast to such an advice.
Spellings are not defined as to which mode is tobe adhered to -American or that of U.K. The uniqueness is also directed towards the theme of the post meaning thereby that there should be nothing that amounts to repetition. No repetition alright, but what about the suppliers of the subject matter for the post repeating themselves the themes which they provided number of times in the past. Why send the same topic again and again to individual bloggers causing them unnecessary confusion ? Such a confusion gets worse confounded when new topics so forwarded contain a clip of warning saying that if repetition is there the very blog is to result in banning the writer ? Difficult to understand as to why they themselves can't monitor their work properly avoiding unnecessary humiliation to the blog writers. Since the opportunities are sent to individual bloggers after measuring their level and status as such, why the suppliers find it cogent to shift the blame to them ? It is infact something to demoralise the writers for no fault of theirs. The conclusion the suppliers have a fancy to draw is that repetition of the contents on the part of the writers are for the reason that they are greedy for some post or the other to write to grab money. They are sadly mistaken. No writer is to compromise his level as such for a petty sum of a few dollars and better for the opportunity providers to behave themselves instead of raising their fingers and passing on the buck to those submitting their writeups.
Debts are not necessarily a burden
Monday, 25 February 2008
Nature is red in tooth and claw:
Wordsworth was not incorrect when he said that Nature is red in its tooth and claw. All beings on earth are for blood of others. Killing, killing and killing only. Such a behaviour on the part of Nature has its full reflection on the mankind. All over the world killings are resorted to as a fancy. History is full of innumerable instances of killings. Stories of great Mughals talk of a king blinding his son, a son killing his father, Aurangzeb killing his brother Dara Shikoh in most callous a manner, Jenhagir killilng Sher Afghan to grab his beautiful wife Noor Jehan, Zaibunnishan dragged to a situation of killing herself as her father Aurangzeb didn't like her to be in love with some one. Jahan-a-rah was forced to remain unmarried as her father Shahjehan was for a mughal match only who couldn't be available. Stories on Sind Valley civilization contain an enormous amount of brutalities. Animals killing animals can to some extent be taken as somewhat a pertinent excuse on the ground that it is mostly for their food on which count they have no other way out but humans have vast avenue of resources for food but they too indulge themselves in killings. Only sometime back I came across an online interview of a terrorist replying to the question as to why he was for killing innocent people as if he didn't at all feel guilty while doing so. Innocent or any thing, he was replying, killing is a must. He emphatically reiterated his stand that killing was a mission for him to be persued and that he was for it come what may. If there is an attack with counter attack following it and in the process killing may occur which situation is a different one but killing the innocents is nothing but a cruel act which a killer does just to satisfy his fancy. A poet friend of mine once wrote -
Phir se ho takhseer jahan ki
Satahen na hamwar bahut hain
describing that whatever is the shape of the world that is visible to us is not fit enough to live in, it needs repairs, it needs resurrection.
How enjoyable the casinos are
Platinum Play
No compromise on love:
Those giving sermons spelling out discourses very often emphasize in the name of detatchment theory that it is but necessary to abandon the family in pursuit of attaining moksha (salvation).They could be correct from their point of view but it looks damn selfish. What is real can't be done away with. There are certain instances in history and also different mythologies where the ones who metaphysically persued their religious approach never opted to run away from the family. When Lord Budha after attained enlightenment returned, a big crowd was there to receive him, hankering to get just a glimpse of his with the only exception of Yashodhara, his wife and the queen. She was requested by her attendants and all others to take the chance. She refused. Her contention was that the Lord himself is supposed to reach her as she was his wife and not just a beloved. Lord Budha came to her, humble and apologetic. Reiterating his love for her he said that whatever he could achieve was just because of her and that she was above every thing for him as but for her love he could not have been able to attain what he did. The other instance is that of Swami Ram Teerth, a mathematician and an intellectual giant, who despite having withdrawn himself from worldly affairs as a saint kept his wife with him as a matter of love, a bond of attachment. His conviction was that the great source of achieving a target is love only and nothing is possible without it. Unfortunately she was not with him during the last days of his life near Gangotri but thoughwise he was never without her. It is a mistaken notion particularly on the part of religious preachers that love is materialistic and it spoils the pursuit for salvation. It is just the contrary as love is immanentllly powerful to attain what is not possible otherwise.
Pleasures of casino games
Clean the mirror before getting your image:
As saying goes, when you raise your finger against some one, the remains ones get a back turn towards yourself. The reason is reality based and logical too. The gesture quite denotes that before you raise a pointer to others, be doubly sure that you yourself are not suffering from any sort of a malady as such. A mahatma was giving sermons in a congregation of people telling that one should not behave like a dog but like a human only. A boy in the crowd interrupted him asking as to why he talked of a dog in a condemnable tone and that is it not that a dog is much better in many ways in comparison to human beings. The mahatma kept quiet for some time and then said that he was in complete agreement with the boy and that a dog is really much better in certain respects. Dog's sense of loyalty has hardly any match and it is never ungrateful to its master like many a humans who go ungrateful at the first available opportunity. Man in Urdu language is called a haiwane natiq (an animal possessing a tongue) as againstg animals who can't express themselves or they can do so but humans don't understand it. You develop a close rapport with any animal or bird or even a beast, you will find that they too can love, hate, ignore or disregard you exactly in consonance with your behaviour with them. I know about a muslim family in Bareilly (Uttar Pradesh) who have been traditionally keeping and nourishing the doves in their house and they tell that is there is something otherwise to happen to the family, the birds stop taking any food in which process they die too. The family members hold a view that this they do save the family by offering themselves to death. May be it is true and in that case the sacrifice of the doves for the safety of their masters is a great lesson to men themselves. All live beings on earth are the same and it is unfair on the part of the people to consider themselves as far superior compared to others. Analysis of self is a remedy in itself, a remedy that takes care of ill conceived notions.
Let it be a black friday shopping spree
Saturday, 23 February 2008
An apology of developments
Model garages
When there was no medical device to look better
Cosmetic surgery for a choice look
Friday, 22 February 2008
Cursories on travellings
Travellings, plentifully rich as they are on material you come across while moving from place to place, are not only pleasantly relaxing, they are a great knowledge giver too besides what you see and enjoy. As a frequent traveller by air covering distant destinations for decades together, I did use to relish whatever I was able to glance upon. At domestic level while travelling between Delhi and Mumbai, I always used to opt for a flight that had its route via Ahmedabad ofcourse without landing there. Starting a little before Ahmedabad and continuing some sky
distance thereafter, this zone was on most of the occasions full of thick clouds roving and moving like flying consonantly with the aircraft. The scenic beauty looked like it was directly caressing me on my face with a breazy touch feelwise. Thrilled and excited, I found myself sumptuously lost with a realisation as if I had most tender an embrace with the Nature. The roaming clouds looked like giving a message of service to the people in the world as it were they to rain water for a thirsty world for humans, animals, birds, creaters and who not on earth. What used to hover more in my mind was 'Abhigyan Shakuntalam' of the great Kalidas who symbolically used clouds to convey messages of the lover to his beloved. I used to think within myself how great it could be if humans on earth were able to derive necessary inspiration on the sense of service so glaringly manifest through the clouds.
The money that plays magic
This post is sponsored
Thursday, 21 February 2008
Honesty and ethics
Big bullies or small fries, all have or say are supposed to have some minimum sense of ethics both on personal counts and business wise. In reality it hardly happens. Defaulters are mainly the big bullies. Rae Bareli in Uttar Pradesh gets rich pamperings because it happens to be the constituency of Sonia Gandhi and so is Amethi as people there elected Rahul Gandhi for the Parliament. Saharanpur again in Uttar Pradesh is bestowed with plenty of favours because that is an area belonging to Mayawati, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister. Even their juniors in their capacity as some minister or the other in their cabinet or even MLAs and MPs have no reason to lag behind. They are to see that there is no electricity failure in their areas come what may in the case of common people. There is nothing bad in doing good to the people of ones own constituency but this has not to mean that others are to suffer on that count. Doing good to the people and doing good only to the people of a chosen area are two different things. Elected representatives are normally elected for a particular constituency as a whole and never for a section of people there. Then why this discrimination? Mulayam Singh in his capacity as the then Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh diverted huge funds for in the name of development to his village Shefai in Etawah providing hospitals, stadium, air strip and number of educational institutions. Does it mean that all these developmental activities are the prerogatives of certain coterie of the people and a common man is not be bothered at all? Such sort of a serious anomaly in functionality of the administration is highly questionable and needs tobe curbed. Welfare of the public in general should honestly be the slogan for the biggies and if they have a smallest possible sense of their dignity and honour they have but to behave with an ethics that befits their status as the real representative of the people.
Bankruptcy is a serious menace
Waste not resources on trivialities
While delivering his lecture in America, Swami Vibekanand called upon the audience not to waste money on churches and temples but direct the same to the poor, the needy. Nothing warrants more of attention than the people suffering from hunger, he said. What persons in the saddle on power are doing these days is something just in contrast to that. Huge amount of money is wasted on repairing and constructing memorials in the name of those who count more on political angle than human welfare.What is the need of it? The hungry, the destitutes, the haves not, the poor are hankering for food and callous are the heavy weights in politics who enjoy spending lavishly to the point of grandeur on memorials. OK, those who made some contribution for the protection and welfare of the needy people in the country do deserve a recognition but they certainly can't be given priority over those who are starving for want of necessary sustentation resource. If somewhere some leader talks of providing necessary employment to the needy, this is again in most of the cases, for political reasons and the very theme of the project is caste oriented. Leaders in the helm of affairs responsible for governance are not the leaders elected and elevated to a position just for a particular caste or community, they are the leaders for the people as a whole and there can in no way be any justification in their prejudicial behaviour like this. Discrimination of any kind on the part of the leaders that matter is by no means pardonable. They are supposed to behave themselves in the interest of public at large without unjudiciously confining their activities to certain coteries or pockets in the society giving it some artificial colour or the other.
Digital frames
Attacked by a snake
Torrential rains overflooding the total area in a semi urban locality where I used to stay for some time, there was hardly any road, street or a pedestrians row track visible any where. No way out and I had to make it to reach my college some how or the other. Removing my shoes, stretching my trousers upward, I started for the college locating the partition tracks forcefully pressing my toes on the ground. Now it was the end of the track where a nallah with heavy waves was flowing. Picking up some courage I continued moving on stretching my legs right and left to secure a passage. By the time I could make it to reach the other side of the nallah I was exhausted to the point of gasping for breath and felt like I was to collapse. Picked up some courage again to start further but this time it was a snake raising its hood towards my toe looking like it was more an attempt to engulf the toe than directlly attacking me. I knew that there are certain types of snakes in flooded waters who are not that poisonous but their bite can cause problemitic infections coupled with after effects of whatever little poison element they have. Its gaze being ferocious, I felt frozen as if crippled but could make it to decide as a last moment device to move on further without retracting. These are the common stories in the rural areas that if you try to run away backward the snakes get more prone to attack. The trick worked and the snake swiftly turned back taking a plunge into the waters.
Loans with a personalised touch
Tuesday, 19 February 2008
Underhand tricks to grab money
There are many a systems adopted by different businessmen to earn money or say grab money from the people. Most common feature these days is to use share trading as a tool for the purpose particularly with reference to Initial Public Offer (IPO). Alluring advertisements attract the investors who consider it a better strategy to invest at the initial stage in IPO which is supposed to be moderately priced at the outset. IPOs may succeed after they are listed in the regular share market and they may flop too like it happened only recently in the case of Reliance Power much highlighted as a Powerful Reliance Power which in reality was nearly a miserable flop. Another was the one floated by EMAR which too failed getting practically no response from the investor as a result of which it had to be withdrawn. In both the cases there is no refund given to the investers. Reliance Power extended partial allotments as against the applications for a bigger number of shares. There is nothing much wrong in it as it all emerges through business constraints but how come they didn't refund the balance amount of investors as yet. EMAR did neither return the total money deposited by investors nor they thought it feasible to make necessary statement on that count. In both the cases, like there might be several others too, they are holding the huge amount of money deposited by investors earning millions of rupees as interest thereon out of which not a single naya paisa is allowed to go to those who gave them this amount. If there is any thing like business ethics, there can be no justification at all in withholding public's money like this to earning multiple benefits out of it. This is highly unjustified, this is blatantly unfair.
Get rid of Bed Bugs
This post is sponsored
Monday, 18 February 2008
Many a faces of exploitation
Not confined to some solitary area or the other, exploitation has many a faces differing from level to level. Exploiter number one is the government itself who does it uniformly on all counts. Be it collection of land revenue, be it levies or be it taxes, every where it surpasses all. Top men in business or the business magnates of middle level have their own system of realising their pound of flesh in typical ways. One such system is to launch an IPO, make huge collections,extend the last date of closing in which process it takes quite a time. Applicants for the shares are not always allotted the number of shares they ask for while applying. If it is a highly rated company, it receives a bumper response from the investers. Here again it takes a long time in sorting and finalising the applications. On finalisation, the company has the choice of accepting, rejecting or partially accepting the request. Some one applies for 225 shares like it was done in the case of Reliance Power, the applicant is proportionately allotted, say 16 shares as against 225. After allotting the shares, the balance amount to be refunded to the depositor is not remitted back to him for a long time. By the time it is done, the gap grows to several weeks during which period the entire amount so collected in millions/billions of rupees remains with the company on
which they earn returns in several ways without any slightest possible portion of it going to investors. Delays are often intentional obviously for the reasons to earn an extra monetary edge. Companies dealing in Mutual Funds do the same thing. Accepting applications with immediate deposit by investors putting and keeping it in their accounts and delay the finalisation. I opted for a Mutual Fund investment with small amount and even after enough of gap I have not received in the necessary acknowledgement. Certain IPOs collapse at the outset itself but the investors have to wait for refund of their deposit for several months if at all they are lucky enough to get back the investment amount without resorting to litigations. It is possible to understand direct levies and taxes but difficult to make out any reasoning for hidden earning on disclosed profit transactions.
Home Furniture
Sleigh Bed
king Beds
Queen Beds
Sunday, 17 February 2008
Stretching it too far
New, super new, extra new and ultra new are the coinages to denote a catchy note of modernisation. Never mind if the very culture changes or the history is reversed. Great mythologies too are no exception where very original scipt is subjected to alterations neither relevant nor convincing in any manner. Ram Charitra Manas is a great epic written by Goswami Tulsidas. Goswami Tulsidas was not only a great poet but a great devotee to Lord Ram, Lord Shiva and Bajrangbali Hanuman too. 'Hanumanbahuk' is the book exclusively written on Lord Hanuman by Tulsidas. The champions of modernity thought there must be some change in the original themes according to the taste of the current generation. They had no scope to bring in any new change and the only way was to introduce some thing novel by artificially inducting some thing. Every where in all books including those on mythologies, Lord Ram is picturesed as the creator of the Universe with Veer Hanuman as one of his close lieutenants. The newly manufactured is now that Lord Hanuman was himself a king and that he used to conduct his durbars where Lord Ram used to appear as one in the audience just as a fariyadi. It is infact the height of a nonsense. Vedic religion is too liberal to accommodate conflicting views on any subject allowing its critics all possible avenues to give vent to their feelings but instances of the type where the very concept behind a theme of an epic are the ones tobe discouraged as it amounts to blasphemy and is unpardonable. Every day is a new day and so are things in nature but such a phenomenon can never grant freedom to any body to tell a bundle of lies manufacturing an ill truth to support voice on modernisation.Such ridiculous ventures are just meant for an outright rejection by the people.
A swim with the dreams:
Dreams are a reality, they are not just something tobe brushed aside as mere imaginations, they are infact the very source of what finally emerges as tangibly visible a material. There is nothing on earth which at some stage or the other was not conceived. Those who ignore dreams as a phenomenon utopian sans any reality are not correct. Dreams are a plinth of what finally takes the shape of an identifiable truth.Facts are an offshoot of dreams only. It so happens very often that dreams are more relishable than reality. You think of a beautiful face and then abruptly come across some one howling at you with shrieks and the contrast acts so annoying to you. Your rapport with dreams is manageable and can be directed in a manner that suits your faculties. What may be difficult for
you to acquire in physical terms can well be managed with dreams. How it is that many of love marriages are a flop within a short span of time gap after marriage is over. This is actually result of a clash between what you thought and what you got. What you tangibly got turned out tobe not what you had imaginably worked out. The saying of the sages that a person has to remain in the confines of the surrounding limitations is based on the very concept that source of disappointments lies where imagination is in conflict with physical reality.Quite a long time back I used to read with interest a picture serial in a reputed daily depicting adventures of Garth while helping the lead fairy character fighting the evil. She starts feeling that she is in love with Garth which she was not supposed to. She goes to Garth who was in sleep lying by the river side transmitting him a dream message with the contents that she was thankful to him for the help that he extended to her and that she was now leaving for the reason that in her capacity as an angel to fight the evil she couldn't afford falling in loving with humans beyond interaction in dreams. She left. Swim with the dreams is without any prejudice on material objects and is cherishable by a mind unpossessed of any vice or sodidness.
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
Gainsaying affirmations
Call spade a spade, there is nothing wrong in it, it is rather good in the sense that truth is allowed to be on the surface. There are people who don't like to mince their words and always prefer to talk straighaway to the point as against those who will talk volumes without hardly coming to main theme of the subject. In the name of talking frank, there are many a people who pickup entirely a negative side of the subject without forgetting to repeat with every sentence of their the workds like 'tobe frank, it is like this, it is like that. Once a person who was after me with the repeated request for his transfer to his choice place. It took time but I saw to it that it was done. After the job was done, he met me but it was some sort of a meeting with a casual touch as if he never had any agenda of his once pending with me. I myself asked him if he was happy now as he was since posted to his choice place. His reply was somewhat shocking. He said 'Sir, to be frank, I was all along hankering so much for my posting to a convenient place but it became possible only when I could secure an aashirvaad from a Guru and it was with his blessings that I am now posted at a place where I wanted tobe'. I felt infact so demoralised within myself just thinking of what name be given to such ungrateful persons gainsaying necessary acknowledgement to favours they receive and that too with the quality prefix of 'tobe frank..' Such
instances could be many which, when studied in a psychological context, elicit only disparaging conclusions on human behaviour. Truth remains that the work done is not necessarily always acknowledged by the receiving end affirmatively with a sense of gratitude, it is rather many a times twisted to different cannotations which most negatively amount to recognition sans reality. Possibly that is human, that is society.
Monday, 11 February 2008
Is it going to be really a soft budget?
New budget proposals are in the offing and in all probability, as are the indications, it is going tobe a soft budget aimed at extending and granting several relaxations in tax. Business men, consumers, salary earners and different other groups are all likely to get benefitted. After all elections are due and those running the system in the country are to go to the people for a fresh mandate to rule. This has always been and still is a peculiar phenomenon that the masters in government altogether change themselves with adopting a swift shift to a behaviour that looks soft on the very surface of it. This infact holds good not only with the Finance Minister of the country but equally all the ministries as everywhere the people occupying ruling positions are the politicians only who have compulsions to go to the electorate after their current term of incumbency is over. Economic conditions of the country go on changing from situation to situation and the public in general always needs an attention to their day to day problems like every day increasing cost of usables particularly the eatables but a well coined reply they get every time they raise their voice in this direction that it is all because of developmental activities which can't be helped. Development is a factor that should be visible in consonance with the tax burden on public which
hardly happens. Every now and then new ministers are inducted into the cabinet which in real terms is normally not necessarily to attend to the tasks of public interest but to appease certain particular individuals or the groups more utilisable from elections point of view. Ministers are too costly a burden in terms of the monthly emoluments they now draw, the enormous size of their perquisites and above all a large scale security provided to them. To be candid, security is some thing that is more needed by the common men in present day atmosphere of anarchy, loot, kidnapping,murders and all kinds of terror visible every where. Why provide Y+ or Z+ security to a selected lot? Why not manage a security system that helps all in the country? Election based activities may be of interest to those in power but certainly not the common people in the country.
Skins for Laptop

Sunday, 10 February 2008
An irritating a gimmick
Blogging could be a fun for many, yet for many it is a committed perseverance with a zeal to undertake positive writings based on varying topics on a sober note. True, one has to resort to writing for commercial reasons where again the writer is not supposed to compromise necessary ethics he has to follows as a writer. Bloggers are many a times confronted with lot of irritating queries by the providers of space for the purpose. The tone and tenor they use is that of a master talking to his subordinate with a hidden threat, at times openly too, to ban the blog. I am a free lancer taking up various topics on society, culture, politics, current affairs, sports, art of living, metaphysics and adventures and after working on the job for the last several years I am just abruptly asked for a one word specific category for the blog as a whole. Looks so funny as to how several categories can be consolidated and abbreviated to one single name but they are the people who adamantly stick to their point not allowing the site to be opened unless it is done. They behave so well and sweet when mobilizing you to have membership with them as a postie but things chance tremendously after getting enrolled with them. They never reply to the queries raised by the bloggers, howsoever importantly urgent they are from completing a blog point of view unless it has some thing of a direct interest to them. I have about half a dozen regular blog sites and one who writes can well imagine how difficult it is to maintain such a number with write-ups without bigger interruptions. Their features do permit writing for number of site providers but the same is not relished by them with the result that a clash starts on the site itself –one discouraging the other resorting to rejecting the articles on some manufactured ground or the other. While denying acceptance of an article on some routine technical ground, some of them use a blunt email containing 'your post is rejected' giving an impression as if the postie is deprived of a big favour. Why can't they use somewhat soft a word for this like 'not approved' or 'resubmit' ofcourse giving brief details of non-acceptance of the post. The petty sum they offer for the write-ups looks at times to be too costly when measured in terms of self respect of a writer.
Saturday, 9 February 2008
Casino games at their best

Friday, 8 February 2008
Relevance of agitations
Furniture that is soothingly appealing
with a nicely fitted furniture all around. The site contains enumerations with display of most attractively eye catching pictures of an elegant furniture most convincingly appealing to the extent that any viewer finds the temptation for them just irresistible. The quality and the kinds of furniture so elaborated are quite enough to meet the dreamful imagination one may have for them -be it bed room, living room or drawing room or be it a sofa or dinette setsl- all give a superb look with a most captivating impression.teen bedroom
Thursday, 7 February 2008
Is share marketing only a gambling?
Right kind of Webhosting
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