This has been in the news that P. Chidambaram, the Finance Minister is contemplating an imposition of an additional tax on the people who are super rich in the country including the other Indians abroad belonging to this category as potential investors. He has since come out with a clarification in the matter that he has no mind to go ahead with increase in tax for the global investors. He may, he said, find out other measures to increase the revenue. Why such a shift in stand? Obviously it is from the point of view of the elections just due the very next year, an essential factor from the electorates angle. This is some thing which can be called more as an appeasement to the power segments that be from an election point of view than any that of any sort of relaxation.
Thursday, 31 January 2013
Just some relaxation, or an appeasement?
Monday, 28 January 2013
Do we call it the year of gang rape?
Nearly a month back, the Year 2012 was over and we bade it adieu with the memories of several events of significance including mishaps of the worst order like ‘New Delhi gang rape case’, most ghastly an incident. This was not the only case of the year 2012, the average rate of such casualties has been almost 2-3 every day through out the year if the media is to be believed. I think India could be a solitary country all over the world to set such a record for itself. Rapes are a common phenomenon every where in the world as a matter of a routine human weakness, but the way they are so much in vogue in India as a perpetuating menace is horrible. India is one of the top countries in the matter of corruption, and so is it equally, nay more, on the top in the matter of rape cases. No woman is safe outside, or even inside her house. The type of New Delhi gang rape case is almost totally unheard of in any other country. This case read in conjunction with the several other cases that might have occurred during the year’2012 most appropriately entitles it as the Year of rapes/ gang rape.
Friday, 25 January 2013
Well done, Prema, you deserve laurels.
You have done really so well, Prema Jaykumar, by securing top rank at all India level in Indian Chartered Accountancy contest. Congratulations to you.
Prema Jaykumar is the daughter of an ordinary auto ricksha driver, Jaykumar Perumal, from Mumbai. Credit, besides Prema herself, goes to her father and the family as a whole who might have given her all support enabling her to secure much coveted a position of the first rank in Chartered Accountancy test at all India level despite their limited means of livelihood. Working hard is the master key for any success, says Prema Jaykumar, and she confidently believes in this as a matter of conviction. It is certainly always a challenge to the people entering in to a tough competition and secure a top level rank, particularly for those who have a meagre source of income to support their whole family. Those who are well placed income wise but are unable to perform well in the relative examinations have to learn a lesson from girls like Prema Jaykumar. All the best to her with congratulations as from other Indians like us.
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
Dogs killing blackbucks–How could it happen?
About 31 blackbucks were killed by astray dogs, says the news, in Kanpur Zoo (U.P.) the other day. It’s a mystery as to how a mishap of such an order could have happened on the face of the fact that the zoo is well equipped with necessary security facilities and the requisite number of staff to look after the animals round the clock. The incident occurred between 9pm to 12 o’clock in the midnight. Dogs, 3 in number, were found shot dead by the security staff. Number of astray dogs might have been much more, but blackbucks being bigger in size and strength compared to dogs, it is only surprising that the dogs might have killed as many as 31 blackbucks devouring some of them as their midnight meal. The blackbucks consisted of many who belong to protected category of species. Reportedly, there are now only 5 antelopes, 1 male and 4 females, surviving in the zoo. Report also says that the death of number of blackbucks might have been caused due to food poisoning. Such a possibility, it is said, can’t be ruled out. Although the Director of the Zoo has been suspended along with several others by the Chief Minister, this is no solution to the mystery that surrounds the story. This could be a case of a callous neglect, or the possibility of some other mystery in the case can’t be negated.
Saturday, 19 January 2013
Could it be a real look?
This one is a caricature showing our Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, with bangles in his hands, pasted on my facebook wall by a friend of mine, Anjali Agrawal, containing the lines from a film reading as:
“Merey haathon mein nau nau churiyan hain, zara thahro sajan majburiyan hain”
With all probability, there are chances that by the time this post reaches the readers, the picture so shown shall become the victim of censor leaving the space as blank, as it happened with the original picture. If it remains like it looks, well and good. It’s a different matter that right to speak or right to express oneself is curbed through censor, but the inference that can be drawn through the picture is an age old way of people, particularly as from the ladies, to express an anguish. In olden days, if there was some king who failed to protect his people and surrendered, the women folk, and also the men, teased him with the reference of bangles. The people told the kind why not he should wear the bangles and hide himself in the palace like women could do. What happened on the borders where two subedars were callously killed beheading one of them in the hands of the Pakistan army, is known to all, and for days together our Prime Minister kept mum. He spoke out his mind only after the reactions were there on the issue from all over the world, and that too in a meek tone and tenor.
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
President’s participation in a tobacco event?
The President of India, Pranab Mukherjee, says the news, is participating in a tobacco company’s event in New Delhi. It looks ironical on the very face of it in the sense that tobacco products are supposed to be fully discouraged both at the national as well as international level. The proposed event is a prize distribution of the company concerned and there are people who can say that the function has nothing to do with promoting any tobacco product, but such a view is only highly irrelevant in the context of the fact that when President of India adores a function by his august presence, the company concerned is automatically the focus. Company concerned being that of a tobacco brand, the message that goes public is obviously in relation to publicity of the brand concerned. As a result, the relative product gains more of a momentum instead of being discouraged, as per need of the day, once the President of the country attends it.
Sunday, 13 January 2013
Why bloggers don’t have better prospects in India?
Obviously the answer is because India doesn’t have necessary marketing scenario as it obtains in several other countries globally. If Indians venture to make their entry into markets prevalent elsewhere in other countries abroad, they fall victims to prejudices, and so is the fate of bloggers. They work on line as bloggers and they are paid well there, but if an Indian blogger does the same job for them, the amount payable to him is too meagre. Different social sites on line like Social Spark have a clear stipulation that they are to enrol only those bloggers who have minimum 2000 monthly visitors/ viewers to their site of which at least 51% belong to America. One of my blogs which has the average viewers rate monthly at 3000+ does not fit in to their criteria so prescribed as per their interpretation of the provisions. Various other sites too do the same thing more or less with the result that Indian writers get out of the race. It may possibly take several decades for India to grow to a higher level like that.
Thursday, 10 January 2013
Alluring messages–Isn’t it better to ignore them?
Howsoever best I try to keep my email counter neat and tidy in respect of its size and look, it goes clumsy very often with a flood of messages, most of them being spam. My google email platform takes care to filter the mail, like others too do, shifting the spam messages aside to a folder called as ‘spam’, but it can not be taken just as quite fool proof as they very often treat the genuine messages also as a spam with the result that quite from time to time I have to monitor the whole mail system in my own way to ensure that the relevant messages don’t go unnoticed. Despite such filtering, there are lot many messages conveying me the senders magnanimity to make me rich overnight. I ignore such mails but at times I feel quite surprised when I get a confirmation sort of message purported to have been sent as from Reserve Bank of India. That too I ignore but it is with the reservation as if I am discarding a genuine message. After all this is an anxiety full of an on going interest.
Monday, 7 January 2013
Inquisitively in search of an interesting email?
Lot many emails every day, bulk of them being meaningful with the rest being either some spam or just some thing so so. There are yet many which are most unsolicited, rather useless. In a busy world like it is now, who has time to peruse them; at least I am not. My day starts with perusal of emails which I glance over with the inquisitiveness for some purposeful message. If I get such ones, I feel happy within myself, if not; I go somewhat morose. Not necessary that you get your messages by your choice and options, they are like a rain shower, you may get it you may not. So far as the spam or unsolicited mails are concerned, my laptop, like more or less every body’s, is well equipped to get rid of them by suitably managing the inflow of them, or one may even discard them. There is no problem on that count. One has of course no modus operandi available to sort them out according to his/ her choice and option before they reach. Once they are received, only then you may apply your mind to dispose them off virtually on your whims and fancies. You have to feel contented with whatever stuff is your share on a particular day, it suits you or it may not, you have to take them as your fate accompli.
Friday, 4 January 2013
Do I call it a day to this blog of mine?
This is one of the blogs of mine which I love most, but for quite some time I developed my reservations on the very relevance of it, or say some meaningful utilisation of it. I somehow have a weak point in the sense that I just can’t do away with this blog as I have been keenly hooked to it for a very long time. As a compromise, I feel like first reducing the periodicity of it from once in two day to once in 3 days. Looks silly, but I think this is the option I can apply. In any case, some where in my heart, there is a feeling that I should keep it live so long I can manage to spare a few minutes for this blog cutting short my otherwise a very very tight schedule on my desk.
Tuesday, 1 January 2013
A positive initiative on the part of the Prez:
The President of India, Pranab Mukherjee, took the decision not to participate in any New Year function in view of the New Delhi gang rape case, which has placed the entire country virtually in a state of mourning. Such an initiative on the part of the President is praise worth and quite matches the mood of the people in general. Falling in line with him, there are several others in the top hierarchy to move in the similar manner. Otherwise notwithstanding the all round criticism of the government with many branding it like the one running its life on ventilator, it is a welcome sign that their latest moves to give the New Delhi gang rape case are indicative of urgency based investigation in the matter with a view to suitably punish the guilty criminals without delay. If the move so initiated is able to take a tangible shape, there is a likelihood of a soothing touch to the feelings of not only the members of the bereaved family but to the people in general throughout the country.