Monday 29 October 2012

Competition is the key note for any market:

These are the days for every day soaring prices for every  thing. The only factor which keeps it within control at least to some extent is the element of competition. If this element is not there, no body knows where the price rise could have landed by now. Take auto vehicles for instance. It’s a scooty, motor bike, or a car, they are all available at quite reasonable a price. So are the other products including food items which too are procurable at their barest minimum. Be it in the name of some festival or some other significant event, or some special week or month, there is a concession allowed for all this, and the concession counts much from over all cost point of view. Credit for this sort of some respite goes only to this very element called competition. More the competition, more is the relaxation in overall prices. Competition is an inbuilt phenomenon, which lays down a curb on rising tendency of the prices, and no credit for this is attributable to any external agencies.


garv said...

Yes, it is quite true that competition is the core point for price rise

veepee said...

I understand that price soaring has only reasion behind it,that is corruption on high level.And it is true that only market competition controls it some extent.

Mysonnets said...

Competition plays a key role.
