Saturday 24 November 2012

Why the Railways can’t show bigger profits?

The basic source of revenue for the Railways emerges from the fare they charge from the passengers, besides of course the freight charges on transportation of different items of goods. The Railways charge from the passengers a hefty amount by way of selling tickets to them. As per news from the media, there was a record sale of tickets through online bookings only during the year 2011-2012 amounting to Rs.9,500/ crores. This figure does not include the fare realised on the counters of the Railways. One can well imagine as to how much total amount could have been if all the resources are taken into view in totality. There is always a statistical manoeuvring to indicate a loss to the Railways because their establishment cost is bigger than the revenue earned. This may not be correct. The question is where all the aforesaid resources and the revenue earned on them go?. Obviously, the Railways too are a major partner in corruption which is so rampant in the country as a whole. If there are no corrupt practices, there is every chance that the Railways may contribute much better in the matter of showing bigger profits.


myso said...

Yes, the question is correct why railways cant show profits.

garv said...

Railways are generally running only in losses

veepee said...

Those days have gone far away when the Raiway was profit earning establishment of Govt. of India.Now I dont find any hope of profitibility in any sector of public undertaking because the entire machinery from top to bottom has become dishonest.

dns1 said...

it seems losses shown by railways are manipulated
