Sunday 18 November 2012

Looks like they are better placed!

They are counted as shop keepers in the lower class supposedly earning an income hardly enough to meet their family needs. I am talking of a betel seller in a trolley sort of wooden shop by the side of some road or near some crossing or even around some temples. Look at the tiny shop with the betel seller sitting inside serving his customers and you may just have a feeling that this man may hardly be earning some limited money amounting to a few hundreds in a day for the sustenance of himself and his family. This is actually not the correct picture. The real picture is just quite different. One such betel seller told me that his average sale per day amounts to nearly Rs.5,000/, with gutka and paan  masala besides betels included and, as he himself confessed, his profit on sales is about 60%. The small wooden shop is his own, and that saves him any monthly rental. He has nothing to do with the Income tax department as supposedly he comes within the bracket of a low earner business man. Any other tax is all out of question. Investment wise, he has to do it just in a limited manner. He has better contacts as many an influential men turn up to his shop to enjoy betels. The banarasi paan is most popular a choice. If a salary earner happens to earn that much amount, tax collectors may make his life a hell sort of thing by chasing him like ghosts. In a way, a betel seller is much well placed compared to a salary earner.


myso said...

Very corrected pointed out.

garv said...

I agree with the opinion of the writer

dns1 said...

well said.

veepee said...

Observation of writer of the article is very very correct but why those are ignored who begs a coin on the out side of a temple or mosque in the light of sun and few of them become a big criminal in the darkness of night.
